Encounter. Love. Serve.

We exist to preach the good news to everyone everywhere by being Word Centered, Spirit Led, Presence Driven, Mission Engaged, Family Valued, and Worship Focused.

Join Us for Wednesday Night Discipleship!

Join us as we journey through this incredible series that emphasizes the importance of living with an eternal perspective, urging us to make conscious choices in our daily lives because our actions will have lasting consequences in eternity; it encourages believers to actively seek our God-given purpose and live a life that counts, knowing that one day we will stand before God and give an account of our actions.


Click Below to view this weeks live stream!!

Please allow me to take this opportunity to welcome you to Covenant Fellowship Church website. On behalf of our entire church family, let me say that we are excited that you are here. You will discover that you are where you can truly encounter the Lord and experience His amazing love and find your purpose by serving in His church. Covenant Fellowship church exists to share the goodness of Jesus with everyone everywhere through everything that we do. You will find a variety of ministries that will aid you in your quest for spiritual growth. Check out everything on the site, and if you have any questions, please contact me directly at mbooker@cfbristol.com. I would be happy to answer any questions that you may have. We look forward to seeing you in person very soon.

Huge blessings,
Pastor Michael Booker

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