Volunteers are a vital part of our church community. God has given each of us unique gifts and abilities, and there are many different ways to serve. Choose which ministry you'd like to serve with below and we'll be in touch with you. Don't forget to check out our Frequently Asked Questions at the bottom of the page!



What are qualities that are desired for me to serve?

  • Member of CFC but not required up front 
  • Honor
  • Humility
  • Holiness
  • Gift of Helps
  • Tithe regularly on income received 
  • Doing all things with a loving heart

What are the basic spiritual and church expectations for me to serve?

  • Knowing Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, baptized in The Holy Spirit or seeking the baptism
  • Regular attendance at CFC 
  • Completed Completely Covenant Track
  • 16 years of age (exception to be made at discretion of The Department Leader and/or Pastor)

What other commitments should I consider?

  • You should have a commitment to God.
Serve Crew members are expected to be devoted and sold out to God at all times. He is our hope, and He is our victory. We should give Him praise at all times, good and bad, and always look to Him in our times of need. Prayer and bible reading are expected to be a part of members’ lifestyle. If we never talk to Him or allow Him to talk to us, how are we supposed to serve Him with all we have?

  • You should have a commitment to Covenant Fellowship.
Regular church attendance, tithing, and listening to Lead Pastor’s (or whoever is preaching) message is expected as well as adopting our mission, vision and values.  CFC Serve Crew teams are a family, but we must remember that we are part of a bigger family. CFC itself is a family, and socialization among other family members, not just other team members, is necessary.

  • You should have a commitment to your Serve Crew.
The CFC Serve Crews play pivotal roles for our church.  As far as time goes, when you have agreed to be the photographer for a service and/or event, it is expected that you are there and prepared to fulfill your role.  It is understood that your time is precious and that you are a volunteer, but to the best of our ability, we are required to fulfill the needs of the church. Excellence, anointing and heart are the expectations. When we have the heart, God provides the anointing. Anointing and heart will always provide more than talent. When we take our gifts that He has provided us and give them back to Him, He makes it into something that we could never do on our own.

  • Is there anything else I should know?
It is expected that all CFC Serve Crew members constantly strive for a holy lifestyle. Perfection is not expected but striving for perfection is. This includes your personal relationship with God, interpersonal relationships with others and all social media platforms. A life of habitual sin will not be acceptable, and times of repentance and restoration will be utilized, if necessary, at the discretion of the Department Leader and Lead Pastor.

In accordance with the bylaws and resolutions of the Church of God, abstinence from habitual and social use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco (including vape) products is expected. In addition, pornography, fornication, and any other sexual sin are expected to be abstained from. Foul language, anger, and gambling are also expected to be abstained from. While certain sins are mentioned here, we are expected to run from all sin. Thus, any sins not mentioned in this paragraph are also expected to be avoided.

As CFC Serve Crew members, our testimony is everything. We must lead a life that is holy and pleasing to God. Sin will distract us and will create a barrier between us and our true heart of worship. It will be difficult for us to give our best under a spirit of conviction. For these reasons, striving for a holy lifestyle that is pleasing to God is imperative. If any member is struggling with a particular sin that keeps cropping up, requiring multiple instances of repentance, it is expected that the member contact the Department Leader and/or Lead Pastor for counseling and a plan moving forward.